+971 6 52 91 999 info@alafiahhealthcare.com

Dr. Muneeba  Khanam

Dr.Muneeba Khanam is a highly skilled and accomplished physician with 7 years of experience and a passion for providing comprehensive care.

Languages known

English, Hindi, Telugu

Personalize Care

Providing you with the highest quality healthcare services that are personalized to meet your unique needs.

A Lifetime of Trust & Records

Committed to ensuring a lifetime of financial trust and impeccable records.


  • Assessment of patients with undefined symptoms and complaints – to help in diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
  • Initial management of acute medical problems and arrange collaborative care.
  • Assess and recommend management for diseases of the digestive system, kidney diseases, respiratory system disorders, nervous system, skin, allergy, and immunity-related problems.
  • Preventive health care and lifestyle advice
    Annual/Periodic Health Checks
  • Hypertension and diabetes management
  • Management of general pediatric and gynecological ailments.
  • Assessment of patients with undefined symptoms and complaints – to help in diagnosis and treatment recommendations.
  • Initial management of acute medical problems and arrange collaborative care.
  • Assess and recommend management for diseases of the digestive system, kidney diseases, respiratory system disorders, nervous system, skin, allergy and immunity-related problems.
  • Preventive health care and lifestyle advice.
    Annual/Periodic Health Checks
  • Hypertension and diabetes management.
  • Management of general pediatric and gynecological ailments.

Our Doctors

Stacy Larson

Family Physician

David Monroe

Family Physician

Josh Goran

Family Physician

Emily Steel

Family Physician

Amanda Chapman

Family Physician

Areas of Expertise

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Rem Aperiam

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We’re Here Whenever You Need Us


(255) 352-6258

Open Hours

Mon – Wed: 10AM – 07PM
Thu – Sat: 08AM – 06PM


1234 Divi St. #1000 San Francisco, CA 94220.